Show Yourself Love

82 Ways to Practice Self-Love

3 min readJul 24, 2021


OK. I get it. I understand that we are our worst critics. Just the other day, I received the photos from a photo shoot, and instead of loving them and moving on, I zoomed in and turned up the brightness on my phone to make sure I wasn’t missing the slightest error. I showed them to friends and family, hoping they would let me know what was wrong with them.

We work hard at school, at work, and even at home, where we should relax and drink a glass of wine. Then we take care of everyone and find ourselves depleted. I bet, if I ask you to list five things that you did for yourself today, you will struggle. But if I asked you to list what you did for others, your list will be long as a summer day.

Let’s make a change!

Below are 82 ways to show a little love to yourself, and many of them can be done right now in a matter of seconds…

  1. Tell yourself, I love you
  2. Congratulate yourself on something you accomplished today
  3. Take a long Hollywood Shower (This is Navy jargon which means a long shower)
  4. Take a bubble bath
  5. Dance to your favorite song
  6. Listen to comedy and Laugh Out Loud (LOL) for real. Laughing produces happy hormones, endorphins



Transparency is a cure for the soul. Here you are getting a woman’s perspective on various topics as I share my story to encourage others. Love, Bree